Sunday, June 17, 2007

Stephanie Chang

Hi Everyone,

I am currently teaching 2nd grade at Faria. Before that, I taught 4 years at Blue Hills, making a total of 6 years. I have not used technology very much directly with the students (once in a blue moon). I personally do use a lot of it for the classroom (worksheets, picture sharing) and home use. One of the reasons I am taking this tech class is to become more familiar and comfortable with using tech stuff for the class. And...... to get some great inspiring ideas!

When out of school my husband and I enjoy watching movies. We like watching romantic comedies, sci-fi, and action movies mostly. We can't handle horror movies though.

I also enjoy baking, arts, crafts, photography, and playing with technology. I am by no means an expert at any of these things, but very much like to play. :) I learn by trial and error. I am looking forward to playing with more computer stuff with all of you! See you soon! :D

1 comment:

Chris Heumann said...

Hi Stephanie! I'm glad that you got the blog to work and that you are excited about the CSI week. There is some really great stuff out there that can be quite rewarding to learn and use. See you soon!